Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Totem Tale Music!

Another experiment folks! The following esnips.com link is to several "theme" songs for the characters in Totem Tale. The music was written and performed by Terry Hunt at Mountain Sound Digital Media LLC for a 2006 theatrical production by the Methow Valley Community School. With Terry's permission, I'm very excited to try and get this music on the web.

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

What's this?

Yes indeed, a cover for The Adventures of Super Princess Madam Zorony! Not only that, but I'm trying a Lulu.com self-publishing experiment as well. If you'd like to purchase your very own copy, click on the cover and have at it :)

I've never printed or purchased anything with Lulu before, so no guarantees. If it turns out alright, I'm going to send a few copies over to NCRL headquarters in Wenatchee. Cross your fingers for success!